Thursday, July 10, 2008

Squash Vine Borer Woes

For the second year running, I am losing plants to pesky squash vine borers! I tried digging them out with a razor today, but I fear I did more damage to my precious plants than the silly bugs had already done. The poor plants were doomed to die, but I fear I brought it on earlier... A long pin or sharpened wire to kill the little beasties was a second recommendation, but naturally I tried the most damaging first. My only acorn squash plant has succumbed to my ministrations, as well as one zucchini and two crookneck plants. I fear for my pumpkins, too. My only consolation is that I did have the satisfaction of drowning a few fat, white larvae. Hah!

While I was looking at my poor, wilting plants with all their beautiful flowers and mourning their early death, an adult moth scared me half to death. I thought it was some strange, fat, black and red wasp. However, in my web search for anything--anything at all--that could be done for my poor plants, I found a picture of the mature menace. Grrrrrr... What is to be done? Perhaps I will skip all squashes next year and starve the little critters. More room for my corn, then, eh?

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