Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Moving Day

     Hello to both my faithful readers! :-) Just kidding--I do not actually know how many, if any, but I do know that this blog occasionally gets some hits.

     I have been here at this location on the internet, blogging some thoughts about the Word of God for a fair number of years now, but it is time for a change. I have been working on a new blog for a little while, and today is the day I am officially "moving" to my new site. I have changed things up a bit, though I do plan to continue writing as the Lord teaches me. I have enjoyed my time here, but I think the new blog address will be easier to remember.

     So if you have enjoyed following me here, I welcome you to my new site! Even if you have not enjoyed it, I still welcome you. ;-) You can find me by clicking this link or by cut-and-pasting the following address into your browser:
     Hope to see you over there soon!